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Calculation on multiple fields in pivot table #1386

Open sunil opened this topic on on Apr 14, 2020 - 3 comments

sunil commented on Apr 14, 2020

Hi, Please suggest me how to calculate percentage based on multiple column. suppose i have two column col1 and col2 i want to sum(col1) and sum(col2) values. percentage = sum(col1)/sum(col2)*100 to display in pivot table.

I am tried with this code but percent comes blank. ->pipe(new AggregatedColumn(array(

    ->pipe(new AggregatedColumn(array(
    ->pipe(new CalculatedColumn(array(
David Winterburn commented on Apr 15, 2020


I'm not sure about your question. Can you please show us your Pivot code?

sunil commented on Apr 15, 2020

yes sure.

$Query = "SELECT

    CASE WHEN b.rescheduled_reason_c='Call_Cancelled' THEN '1' ELSE '0' END AS Call_cancelled,
    CASE WHEN b.rescheduled_reason_c!='Call_Cancelled' THEN '1' ELSE '0' END AS Call_closed
    $node = $this->src("mysql")->query($Query)
    ->pipe(new AggregatedColumn(array(
    ->pipe(new AggregatedColumn(array(
    ->pipe(new CalculatedColumn(array(
    ->pipe(new Pivot(array(
            "column" => "dateyear",
            "row" => "users_zone_c,address_state,source,CSCName,product_name,cateName,brand",
            "sum" => "quantity_c,Call_cancelled,Call_closed",
            "count" => "quantity_c",
            //'sum percent' => 'Call_closed'


"id" => "pivotMatrix1",
'dataSource' => $this->dataStore('SRCancelation'),
//'hideSubtotalRow' => true,
'showDataHeaders' => true,
"scope" => array(
    "reportType" => $this->params["reportType"],
    "zone" => $this->params["zone"],
    "state" => $this->params["state"],
    "csc" => $this->params["csc"],
    "sourceCall" => $this->params["sourceCall"],
    "brand" => $this->params["brand"],
    "fromDate" => $this->params["fromDate"],
    "toDate" => $this->params["toDate"],
    "year" => $this->params["year"],
    "month" => $this->params["month"],
    "quarter" => $this->params["quarter"],
    "quantity_c - sum", 
    "Call_cancelled - sum", 
    "Call_closed - sum",
    "percent"  // should be (Call_cancelled - sum *100)/(Call_closed - sum)   but display blank.
David Winterburn commented on Apr 15, 2020


Please remove the AggregatedColumn and CalculatedColumn to get total_cancel, total_close or percent before the Pivot process. Instead you just need to sum call_cancelled and call_closed in Pivot2D, then divide those after Pivot2D like this:

    $node = $this->src("mysql")->query($Query)
    ->pipe(new \koolreport\pivot\processes\Pivot2D(array(
            "column" => "dateyear",
            "row" => "users_zone_c,address_state,source,CSCName,product_name,cateName,brand",
            "sum" => "quantity_c,Call_cancelled,Call_closed",
            "count" => "quantity_c"
    ->pipe(new \koolreport\processes\Map(array(
        "{value}" => function($row, $meta) {
            $colList = [];
            $columns = array_keys($meta["columns"]);
            foreach ($columns as $colName)
                if (strpos($colName, " || ") !== false) {
                    $col = substr($colName, 0, strrpos($colName, " || "));
                    if (! isset($colList[$col])) $colList[$col] = true;

            foreach ($colList as $col => $v) {
                $colNameCancel = "$col || Call_cancelled - sum";
                $colNameClose = "$col || Call_closed - sum";
                $colNamePercent = "$col || cancel per close";
                $cancel = Util::get($row, $colNameCancel, 0);
                $close = Util::get($row, $colNameClose, 0);
                $row[$colNamePercent] = $close !== 0 ? $cancel * 100 / $close : 0;
            return $row;

    "measures" => array(
        "cancel per close"

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