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Bootstrap custom css #1378

Closed George opened this topic on on Apr 7, 2020 - 4 comments

George commented on Apr 7, 2020

Hi all,

what is the procedure to add/modify the css of a certain report ? Is there some place in the files tree I can put/create my own css files ? I'm currently using bootstrap3 and I want to change some table display for example . I've done this part of the setup :

## Usage

In order to add `Bootstrap3` theme into your report, you simply do:

class MyReport extends \koolreport\KoolReport
    use \koolreport\bootstrap3\Theme;

And OK I have bootstrap3 . But where can I customize ? inside the report as in cssStyle ?
What if I want to include a custom css file ? where do I declare it ?

Thanks George

KoolReport commented on Apr 7, 2020

You just need to add your link tag to the view like normal.

George commented on Apr 7, 2020


the view doesnt have any html head section as far as I have seen , that means I can just add a

 <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="theme.css">

to the top of my view and it's OK ? This is the way to override or add in the head section of the page ?


KoolReport commented on Apr 7, 2020

That's fine!

If you find any trouble, you can remove the

use \koolreport\bootstrap3\Theme;

and then you can manually add bootstrap3 css/js and your overwritten css to the view file like you normally do.

George commented on Apr 7, 2020

OK and thanks!!

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