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Pivot Measure AVG need filter #1370

Open Mike Carroll opened this topic on on Apr 1, 2020 - 1 comments

Mike Carroll commented on Apr 1, 2020


I have a pivot table with example 3 column

Cost, Sell, Margin

with data such as: 1,2,50% 1,-,-

The 2nd row has incomplete data. However the measure computed in the AVG for Margin results in 25% since its still include the 2nd row. Can the AVG have a filter so that if the Margin is "-", not to inlcude it in the counts?

Hope this makes sense.


David Winterburn commented on Apr 2, 2020

Hi Mike,

In the latest version of the Pivot package we have a property called customAggregates which allows users to define their aggregate operators via values or functions. However, in your case we realize we need to apply custom aggregates for final values as well (i.e. dividing sum by custom count). This needs some additional feature of the Pivot process.

Please send us an email to support@koolphp.net. Once this feature is added in a few days we will send you the latest version of the Pivot process together with guiding how to apply for your case. Thanks!

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