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Best tutorials to prepare for a Master Detail report #1332

Open Ed Martin opened this topic on on Mar 4, 2020 - 1 comments

Ed Martin commented on Mar 4, 2020

I have been searching for everything I can find on creating and Master Detail report to show invoices, sales quotes and other forms where there is a header record from the parent table and the "children records" as rows in the body of the report.

I am not looking for "answers" (although if I can learn that would be great), but rather I am looking for a path to become more proficient in Koolreport Pro.

Can you suggest the best place for learning how this is best accomplished? This functionality is the key to completing my project.

KoolReport commented on Mar 5, 2020

In my imagination, you will build a master report in which list down all the parent header, click to one of them it will link to detail tables which contains sub items. So there are two things involve:

  1. How to create link in master table: Create clickable link in table
  2. On receiving GET parameter, you need to put parameter into detail report: How to pass parameter to report

With above two things, you can build master details report.

Hope that helps.

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