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Overlap bar chart fixed length. #1309

Open ankit raj opened this topic on on Feb 20, 2020 - 2 comments

ankit raj commented on Feb 20, 2020

hello i am using koolreport overlap bar chart for a series of different value ranges but it doesnt give me equal width for all of them. How do i ensure that each have same width without making "stacked"=>true which makes it 100% stacked. and everything gets converted into percentage.

KoolReport commented on Feb 20, 2020

Sorry I have not understood the issue yet, could you please post image of how you want to be and image of current situation.

ankit raj commented on Feb 20, 2020

I want to get fixed width of upper limit irrespective of the values. Like you see in the examples. But in my case when data changes , my overall bar width also changes. I don't want it to be stacked because it gives percentage values. Is there a workaround for that.

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