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How i can implement koolreport in twig #1277

Open Jesusmln opened this topic on on Jan 28, 2020 - 2 comments

Jesusmln commented on Jan 28, 2020


i am trying to implement koolreport in symfony using the .twig templates. In the documentation that koolreport gives about twig it is not clear to me how to use it, Can you share whit me any examples using .twig templates?

Thank you !!

KoolReport commented on Jan 29, 2020

By default, KoolReport use it own view located in the same folder with report class however, you may add the koolreport\twig and specify the settings for twig and create the view in twig, KoolReport then use its twig package to transform into report view. So please let me know your details of difficulty when following our guide on documentation? I suggest you try to replicate the same example we create in the documentation.

Nelu Stanciu commented on Apr 11, 2021

Hi. I added koolreport\twig...and I have difficulty when I'm following your guide on documentation. Can you send me any twig example ..with final files? Thank you in advance.

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