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Waiting hint on download #1245

Open Ralf Föhring opened this topic on on Jan 4, 2020 - 3 comments

Ralf Föhring commented on Jan 4, 2020


I have a pivot table from which an excel file is generated. This excel file, although is just 1 MB it takes 12 minutes for the server to prepare the file. Is there any way to give the user a download progress hint ?

David Winterburn commented on Jan 6, 2020

Hi Ralf,

Would you please let us know how large your pivottable is? Thanks!

Ralf Föhring commented on Jan 6, 2020

Hi David,

well the pivot has 4 row headers(location/ customer/ id/ article), 2 aggregated data (quantity/ sum) and 2 column headers (month/ year)

and the excel file has 33 columns and 9200 rows

David Winterburn commented on Jan 6, 2020

Hi Ralf,

With 33x9200 cells it is reasonable that Excel export takes 12 minutes. Unfortunately it's much difficult to show an export progress as it includes both time to generate an excel/pdf file and time to download it.

One workaround is using javascript to show an estimation/count down bar, then form.submit(), when users click the Export button. The count down time is roughly estimated based on your data size. It certainly wouldn't be the most accurate method but it could give users an idea of how long they should wait.

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