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Count Rows by group if column has data #1242

Open Andrew Guattery opened this topic on on Jan 2, 2020 - 1 comments

Andrew Guattery commented on Jan 2, 2020

Well the topic says it all: I know when can count rows in a group like so:


What I am trying to do is count the row only if the column has a value. Something like:

"{count}"=>array("count","COL_NAM" <>"")


"{count}"=>array("count","COL_NAM" > 0)

Is this possible?

KoolReport commented on Jan 3, 2020

It is possible, you can use your own calculation like this:

                    return $store->filter("COL_NAME",">",0)->count();
            "top"=>"<b>Count COL_NAME {countAvailable}</b>",

Here is the documentation of Table Grouping Calculate and DataStore's Filter Method.

Hope that helps.

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