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Calculation using two Datastores #1160

Closed Ardan Peddell opened this topic on on Nov 17, 2019 - 2 comments

Ardan Peddell commented on Nov 17, 2019

Hi, I'm trying to get the result of dividing two dataStore results to use on a SimpleCard. Would appreciate some direction as not sure how get the desired result.


      "title"=>"Average Spend",

The above code does not work. The "grossSales" and "coversQty" contain only one value.

Alternatively, what would be the way to create a third dataStore from the calculation of the first two and then pas the result to the view.php file

Many thanks

KoolReport commented on Nov 18, 2019


The $this->dataStore("grossSales") will return a datastore so you need to make a sum of a column within that grossSale dataStore for example:


or you can use the get() function get get any value from dataStore:

$this->dataStore("grossSales")->get(0,"saleColumn") // Get value at row 0 and "sale" column
Ardan Peddell commented on Nov 19, 2019

Many thanks for the pointer. I'll try that.

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