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Be able to create a master dropdown multiselection for the detail. #1143

Open Jayan Ramdul opened this topic on on Nov 2, 2019 - 5 comments

Jayan Ramdul commented on Nov 2, 2019

Hi, Can you help on this. I want to create a master detail with mutiselection for the detail. For example I have a dropdown list with supplier and when i select a supplier it gives me another list with all item linked to this supplier.And in the item list I am able to select more then one item.These items will be passed to a sql for query on the database. Thanks if you can help on this Jayan.

KoolReport commented on Nov 2, 2019


Please look at our SubReport Ajax Loading. We implement kinds of the same mechanism. By selecting country, we bring out list of customers in that country for user to select. After that, user click list orders to view. All is done via ajax. Please have a look. Hope that helps.

Jayan Ramdul commented on Nov 2, 2019


Probably i was not very clear on.my need.The report is already done and is working with one supplier and item.I have a ctrl, view , model and Excel PHP file.In the ctrl file i have défined the html to create the dropdown list for the supplier and another dropdown list for the item.I have been able to create the master and detail that is when I select a supplier only the item linked to the supplier is displayed in item dropdown list.I can select only one item.My need is to be able to select as many or more than one item.This must be added in the ctrl file.Can you help I am.new To kool report 

Thanks for your help


KoolReport commented on Nov 3, 2019

For the list of items, you can use the MultiSelect, Select2 (multiple), BSelect from inputs package. Or simply you can create a select html element with multiple to true and feeding it with list of items.

Jayan Ramdul commented on Nov 5, 2019

Hi Can you give an exemple and where To find these.I am new to koolreport Thanks for your help JR

KoolReport commented on Nov 5, 2019

Please look at our example of input control here. Specifically look at the Multiple Select, Select2- Multiple Options and BSelect Multiple options.

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