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Which column setting did you want to use? For Chartjs, we have the columns
property to set up columns to draw and their setting. Here's an example:
"title"=>"Stepped Line Chart",
Let us know if you want something else. Thanks!
Hi pargibay, you can get all columns name from dataStore, for example:
$columnNames = array_keys($this->dataStore("data-from-cube")->meta()["columns"]);
Now with all the name, you can construct a "columns" array:
$columns = array();
foreach($columnNames as $name)
$columns[$name] = array(
Basically you can base on the name to add customized property for each columns and then later you can put into any widget of KoolReport:
Hope that helps.
Hi, Of course:
$this->src("mssql")->query("SELECT m.code AS codigo,FORMAT(pk.prday,'yy-MM-dd') AS fecha, AS producto,ROUND(pk.nominal, 2) AS kg_un,SUM(1) AS cantidad,ROUND(SUM(pk.nominal), 2) AS Kgs, ROUND(100 * AVG((pk.weight - pk.nominal)/ pk.nominal), 2) AS overweight FROM dbo.proc_packs AS pk INNER JOIN dbo.proc_materials AS m ON pk.material = m.material INNER JOIN dbo.proc_lots AS l ON pk.lot = l.lot WHERE (pk.prday BETWEEN CONVERT(datetime,:start,21) AND CONVERT(datetime,:end,21)) AND (pk.rtype <> 4) AND (m.code > '800000') AND IN :products GROUP BY m.code,, pk.prday, pk.nominal ORDER BY pk.prday")
->pipe(new Cube(array(
->pipe(new RemoveColumn(array(
the view
$columnNames = array_keys($this->dataStore("overweight")->meta()["columns"]);
$columns = array();
foreach($columnNames as $name)
$columns[$name] = array(
$dataStore = $this->dataStore('overweight');
Please try again with this code:
foreach($columnNames as $name)
$columns[$name] = array("label"=>ucfirst($name));
$columns[$name] = array(
Let me know the result
Hi Koolreport,
Thanks you very much for your reply
I had assumed that the conditional was "==" and not "!="
The problem is in spamGaps config because if I use other like steppedLine or showLine it is working
foreach($columnNames as $name)
if($name=="fetcha") //conditional
$columns[$name] = array("label"=>ucfirst($name));
$columns[$name] = array(
Hi Koolreport,
I have tried this: force 0 to null with formatValue:
$columnNames = array_keys($this->dataStore("overweight")->meta()["columns"]);
$columns = array();
foreach($columnNames as $name)
$columns[$name] = array("label"=>ucfirst($name));
$columns[$name] = array(
"formatValue"=>function($value){if($value==0){return NULL;}else{return number_format($value,2)."%";}},//NULL if value==0
And this is the result:
You do this in the setup()
->pipe(new RemoveColumn(array(
->pipe(new \koolreport\cleandata\FillNull(array(
Basically the FillNull will target all 0 value and replace with NULL value.
Please try and let us know.
Nevermind, you do like following
->pipe(new RemoveColumn(array(
->pipe(new \koolreport\processes\Custom(function($row){
foreach($row as $k=>$v)
if($v===0) $row[$k]=null;
return $row;
Let me know if it works.
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