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Adding dutch localization #1102

Closed APP opened this topic on on Sep 26, 2019 - 6 comments

APP commented on Sep 26, 2019

Can you add Dutch localization?

We already did this for DataTables.nl.json Please add this to the package.

    "sEmptyTable":      "Geen data beschikbaar",
    "sInfo":            "_START_ tot _END_ van _TOTAL_ rijen",
    "sInfoEmpty":       "0 tot 0 van 0 rijen",
    "sInfoFiltered":    "(gefiltert tot _MAX_ rijen)",
    "sInfoPostFix":     "",
    "sInfoThousands":   ".",
    "sLengthMenu":      "_MENU_ rijen tonen",
    "sLoadingRecords":  "Wordt geladen...",
    "sProcessing":      "Even geduld a.u.b. ...",
    "sSearch":          "Zoeken",
    "sZeroRecords":     "Geen resultaten.",
    "oPaginate": {
        "sFirst":       "Eerste",
        "sPrevious":    "Terug",
        "sNext":        "Volgende",
        "sLast":        "Laatste"
    "oAria": {
        "sSortAscending":  ": Activeren, om de kolom oplopend te sorteren",
        "sSortDescending": ": Activeren, om de kolom aflopend te sorteren"
    "select": {
            "rows": {
                "_": "%d rijen geselecteerd",
                "0": "Om te selecteren op een rij klikken",
                "1": "1 rij geselecteerd"
KoolReport commented on Sep 26, 2019

Sure, that's great. we will add in the package. Thank you very much!

APP commented on Oct 8, 2019

This isn't mentioned in the changelog? But it's in the new version?

KoolReport commented on Oct 8, 2019

It is in the new version of DataGrid. We are sorry for not adding to the changelog.

APP commented on Dec 20, 2019
    "sEmptyTable":      "Geen data beschikbaar",
    "sInfo":            "_START_ tot _END_ van _TOTAL_ rijen",
    "sInfoEmpty":       "0 tot 0 van 0 rijen",
    "sInfoFiltered":    "(gefilterd uit _MAX_ rijen)",
    "sInfoPostFix":     "",
    "sInfoThousands":   ".",
    "sLengthMenu":      "_MENU_ rijen tonen",
    "sLoadingRecords":  "Wordt geladen...",
    "sProcessing":      "Even geduld a.u.b. ...",
    "sSearch":          "Zoeken",
    "sZeroRecords":     "Geen resultaten.",
    "oPaginate": {
        "sFirst":       "Eerste",
        "sPrevious":    "Terug",
        "sNext":        "Volgende",
        "sLast":        "Laatste"
    "oAria": {
        "sSortAscending":  ": Activeren, om de kolom oplopend te sorteren",
        "sSortDescending": ": Activeren, om de kolom aflopend te sorteren"
    "select": {
            "rows": {
                "_": "%d rijen geselecteerd",
                "0": "Om te selecteren op een rij klikken",
                "1": "1 rij geselecteerd"

We made a spelling mistake, hereby the updated, accurate version of the language file. Can you add this to the next release? Thanks in advance!

APP commented on Feb 7, 2020

@koolreport is this added to the 4.5.1. release?

KoolReport commented on Feb 7, 2020

Hi APP, It was added in previous version so of course it is available in v4.5.1.

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