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Pivotmatrix subreport #1093

Open Ralf Föhring opened this topic on on Sep 19, 2019 - 2 comments

Ralf Föhring commented on Sep 19, 2019


is there any way I can click on an agregated value in a pivot matrix/table and use that data to run a subreport? I suppose there should be some events that are triggered, the same as in drilldown charts. Or at least a way to wrap each agregated value inside an html element and store there the parameters for subreport.

Ralf Föhring commented on Sep 23, 2019

Are there really no solutions to the problem described above?

David Winterburn commented on Sep 23, 2019

Hi Ralf,

At the moment we haven't implemented click/select events for PivotMatrix yet. In the meantime you could check our map property to get all information for each aggregated cell:


An example value for a $cellInfor is:

    "row": {
        "customerName": {
            "childOrder": "3",
            "value": "Auto Canal+ Petit",
            "numChildren": 1,
            "numLeaf": 1
        "productLine": {
            "value": "{{all}}",
            "total": true,
            "numChildren": 1,
            "numLeaf": 1,
            "level": 2,
            "childOrder": 1
        "productName": {
            "value": "{{all}}",
            "total": true
        "hasTotal": true,
        "fieldOrder": 0
    "column": {
        "orderYear": {
            "numChildren": 2,
            "numLeaf": 2,
            "childOrder": "1",
            "value": 2004
        "orderMonth": {
            "childOrder": "1.1",
            "value": "{{all}}",
            "total": true,
            "numChildren": 2,
            "numLeaf": 2,
            "level": 1
        "hasTotal": true,
        "fieldOrder": 0

Let us know if it could help your case. Thanks!

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