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KoolReport is not being recognized #1074

Open Brindicis opened this topic on on Sep 4, 2019 - 7 comments

Brindicis commented on Sep 4, 2019


I've migrated my website from one host to another and during this process, my KoolReport Statistics Module stopped working and i can't find what is causing this error. In the debug process I've tried to re-install the composer package and requiring the package with following code my Report's files: 'require_once dirname(FILE)."/../../vendor/koolreport/core/autoload.php";' Nothing seems to solve this problem so i was wondering if you can help me on finding a solution.

Thanks in advance, Bruno.

(The first image shows the error that occurs everytime the "KoolReport" class is called. There should be a rendered chart in the blank space above the table, as shown in the second image)

KoolReport commented on Sep 5, 2019

Do you use any kinds of framework like codeigniter or laravel together with KoolReport?

KoolReport commented on Sep 5, 2019

Oh I understand now. It is because the "vendor" is protected folder and browser could not get the resource like the KoolReport.js file from there. Please follow this topic: Settings to make KoolReport able to load widget resource.

Anything please let us know.

Brindicis commented on Sep 6, 2019

This project uses Laravel.

I've tried to change the lines on the files "StatOrders.php" and "StatSellers.php" like this:

But the result is the same. Do i need to change anything in the path or another files?

Thank you!

KoolReport commented on Sep 7, 2019

Great that you use Laravel, we do have a package called Laravel which can solve this issue automatically. Please remove the assets in your settings() and add this trait to your report:

class StatOrders extends \koolreport\KoolReport
    use \koolreport\laravel\Friendship;

by doing this, your assets will be configured automatically.

Brindicis commented on Sep 9, 2019

I did the following changes:

File StatSellers.php:

File StatOrders.php:

But they didn't work. Is there any other solution i can try to resolve this issue?

Thank you!

Brindicis commented on Sep 11, 2019

Ok, its almost working. The line charts are appearing but some circular charts are not working, i'm getting this error:

KoolReport commented on Sep 11, 2019

Could you please try to run our downloadable examples to see if they works.

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