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Open rodger_kz opened this topic on on Jul 31, 2019 - 2 comments

rodger_kz commented on Jul 31, 2019

How do you get to speed up queries when using MySQL in koolreports..cause it is taking a lot of time to load 5000 records and I was hoping to use big data in report generation..please assist

Eugene commented on Jul 31, 2019


I met the same issue - the problem is not in the query speed (query speed depends mostly on your mysql server) but the table loads all data at once so it tries to get all your 5000 records to the browser and JS has to handle them after that - it takes time.

I think same like mine - your users don't need all 5000 records at the same time so the solution is to limit the selection for downloading.

Or you have another option - DataGrid with its Server processing feature but DataGrid does not support some another features.

rodger_kz commented on Jul 31, 2019

Ok thanks @Eugen...I think I will have to limit my selection to reduce the loading time

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