The KoolReport Blog

Announcements, discussions, and more for KoolReport and its extended packages.

Welcome KoolReport 5.0.0

We would like to inform that we have released new version KoolReport 5.0.0 with enhancement and bugfixes. Together with the new core, we also release upgrades for Pivot, Excel, Export, DataGrid, CloudExport and two new packages VisualQuery and ChartTable.

KoolReport 5.0.0 still keeps the same structure as 4.x. That is a good news as the update will be fully backward-compatible. In this version, we added two new processes called Count and TypeAssure. The Count process can help to make count with condition while TypeAssure process will make sure your data's native type correct. The DataStore class has been provided with getScalar() method to get the first value in first row in the store, which is very helpful in many cases.

We have provided two new packages called VisualQuery and ChartTable. Both packages are aiming at creating ad-hoc reports. Ad-hoc report by definition is "a business intelligence process in which dynamic, real-time data reports are created by the user on an as-needed basis". So VisualQuery allows end-user to construct their own query by using GUI while ChartTable helps to visualize queried data in different data visualization charts based on end-user's choice. This is the first version of two new packages so there will be many improvements in near future, and your suggestions, recommendations are very much appreciated.

The following packages offer huge updates with improvement and new features:

  1. DataGrid now supports fast rendering up to 100 000 rows, multi-level row group with grouped values, and row detail expand/collapse setting.
  2. Excel can export tables with multi-level row group with grouped values.
  3. Export allows for fully customized headers and footers. Different pages can have different header/footer programmatically via headerCallback and footerCallback functions.
  4. Pivot has a new process called PivotSQL which uses sql aggregate functions, thus works faster for large sql datasets than the normal Pivot which loops through all data rows.
  5. CloudExport adds another export engine in PhantomJS beside headless Chromium and WkHtmlToPdf. PhantomJS's pdf rendering might not be as beautiful as headless Chromium or as fast as WkHtmlToPdf but it has a special advantage in fully customized headers and footers.

Above are just some highlights of some important release notes, we also have new releases for Input 5.6.0, QueryBuilder 2.5.3, Amazing Theme 1.5.0, BarCode 2.0.0 with more details in the changelogs.

Thank you very much!

P.S: Our team will bring you the beast, KoolReport Dashboard Framework in next month.

<koolreport team

KoolReport helps to analyze your data and ultimately turn them into visual reports or dynamic dashboards.

"KoolReport helps me very much in creating data report for my corporate! Keep up your good work!"

Alain Melsens

"The first use of your product. I was impressed by its easiness and powerfulness. This product is a great product and amazing."

Dr. Lew Choy Onn

"Fantastic framework for reporting!"

Greg Schneider
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