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Symfony and KoolReport

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KoolReport is working great with Symfony

KoolReport is powerful framework for reporting in php. One of its greatest features is the ability to work with any PHP Frameworks such as Laravel, CodeIgniter, Yii2 and of course Symfony is one of them. KoolReport can be integrated deeply into Symfony application to provide reporting capability.

KoolReport will provide all functionalities to help you deal with all kinds of data whether they comes from databases such as MySQL, SQL Server or coming from files such as CSV or Excel. All the sources of data can be drawn into single place and joined together to become single perfect report.

KoolReport provide great library charts for Symfony such as Google Chart, D3 or ChartJS so that you can easily turn your raw data into meaningful and intuitive dashboard or report.

Get KoolReport by downloading or installing through composer!

#1083 opened on Sep 13, 2019 by Juan Martín with last post of KoolReport