
Overview #

Under Resource, there are 4 screens:

  1. ListScreen to perform record listing with admin table, filter box, action box
  2. DetailScreen to show a record in detail including relational information.
  3. UpdateScreen to perform update information of a record
  4. CreateScreen to create new record.

Under each screen, we have many components and the great thing is that you can access those components and make customization on your need. You also even replace the component with your own piece, just plug and play.

Access component #

You can access each component and change settings like following

class Customer extends Resource
    protected function onCreated()
        //Settings for adminTable()

        //Set the type of glassBox inside list screen

        //Change style and text of save button in update screen
            ->text("Save this")


Assign component #

Or you can even replace the component with your own class:

class Customer extends Resource
    protected function onCreated()

ListScreen #

title #

Get/set the title of screen

$this->listScreen()->title("Resource name");

adminTable #

Get/set the admin table object


The AdminTable is have all properties of Table widget and added following properties

rowSelectFieldRowSelectGet/set the row select field, set null to turn off row select
rowActionsFieldActionsFieldGet/set the row actions field, set null to turn off
rowClickToSelectbooltrueClick to row to select that row
rowClickToDetailboolfalseClick to row to go to detail of the record
rowClickToUpdateboolfalseClick to row to edit the information of the record
contextConditionsarraynullSet extra conditions for data to be shown on table

relationTable #

Get/set the relation table object. The relation table will be shown when the resource is referred to from another resources.


Relation Table has all properties of Table widget. Below are extra properties

rowActionsFieldActionsFieldGet/set the row actions field, set null to turn off

glassBox #

Get/set the glass dropdown object


The glass box is derived from Dropdown widget.

actionBox #

Get/set the actions dropdown object


The action box is derived from Dropdown widget.

filterBox #

Get/set the filter dropdown object


The filter box is derived from FormDropdown container.

createButton #

Get/set the create button object


The create button is derived from Button.

Get/set the search box object


The search box is derived from TextBox.

DetailScreen #

title #

Get/set the title of screen

$this->detailScreen()->title("Detail information");

//Set anynomous function
    return $this->data()["customerName"];

backButton #

Get/set the back button object


The back button is derived from Button.

mainPanel #

Get/set the main panel object


The main panel is derived from Panel

highlights #

Set the highlights for Detail screen

    //$id is the id value of record that shown by detail screen

    return  [

Read more about Highlights

bottom #

Set the bottom for Detail screen

    //$id is the id value of record that shown by detail screen

    return  [

Read more about Bottom

data #

Get data of record that detail screen is showing

    $data = $this->data();
    return $data["customerName"];

getIDValue #

Get ID of record that detail screen is showing

    $id = $this->getIDValue();
    return $id;

UpdateScreen #

title #

Get/set the title of screen

//Set string
$this->updateScreen()->title("Resource name");

//Use anonymous function
    return $this->data()["customerName"];

saveButton #

Get/set the save button object


The save button is derived from Button.

backButton #

Get/set the back button object


The back button is derived from Button.

successNotification #

Get/set the notification object that will show when record is successfully updated.


The success notification is derived from Note.

failNotification #

Get/set the notification object that will show when record is failed to update.


The fail notification is derived from Note.

data #

Get data of record that update screen is working on

    $data = $this->data();
    return $data["customerName"];

getIDValue #

Get ID of record that update screen is working on

    $id = $this->getIDValue();
    return $id;

bottom #

Set the bottom for updateScreen

    //$id is the id value of record that shown by update screen

    return  [

Read more about Bottom

CreateScreen #

title #

Get/set the title of screen

$this->listScreen()->title("Resource name");

successNotification #

Get/set the notification object that will show when record is successfully created.


The success notification is derived from Note.

failNotification #

Get/set the notification object that will show when record is failed to create.


The fail notification is derived from Note.

backButton #

Get/set the back button object


The back button is derived from Button. s

saveButton #

Get/set the save button object


The save button is derived from Button.

saveAndContinueButton #

Get/set the save and continue button object


The save and continue button is derived from Button.

bottom #

Set the bottom for createScreen

    //$id is the id value of record that shown by create screen

    return  [

Read more about Bottom

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